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Parish Administration


Parish Council

The Parish Council is an elected representative body of the parish. The Council serves as an advisory group to the pastor for developing the life of the parish community. Any registered member of the parish 18 years of age or older may run for a 3 year term on the Parish Council.


Father Dennis Duvelius



Joe Branham

Kathy Flores

Donald Brown

Abby Van Alstine Brown

Christine Conklin

Michael Noll

Dale Siefker

Andre Siefker

Finance Commission

The Finance Commission is an appointed body of the parish. The Commission serves as an advisory group to the pastor and Parish Council regarding the fiscal affairs of the parish community. 


Stewardship Commission

The purpose of the Stewardship Commission is to develop, promote, and implement a comprehensive program of stewardship that responsibly cares for the human, material, and financial resources of the parish. The commission coordinates all local stewardship campaigns for the Parish and the Archdiocese; provides education to the parish about the opportunities and obligations of stewardship; matches volunteers with job needs to ensure that all facilities are adequately staffed, funded, and maintained. 


Maintenance Commission

This group supports the property custodian in efforts to maintain the parish building and grounds. We attempt to perform these tasks in a timely and capable way. Anyone with mechanical or manual skills is invited to share time and talent.


Commissions & Organizations


Liturgy, Bob Zapfe 

Service and Care, Denise Sawyer

Finance/Stewardship, Ron Pendill

ProLife & Justice, Denise Sawyer

Physical Infrastructure, Ed Timperman 
Virtual Infrastructure, Vacant
King’s Men, Jan Lee
Funeral Luncheons, Vonna Pfeiffer


K-10 Programs & Sacraments for Kids . 812-876-1974

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults ... 812-876-1974 



Catholic Charities. Counseling available on a sliding-fee scale. Call 332-1262 for an appointment.



Contact the parish secretary - 812-876-1974 ext 205 Items must be submitted by 8:00am on Monday. Items can be emailed.



Contact the parish secretary - 812-876-1974 ext 205 Call or email if you are sick or homebound and would like to be added to the bulletin prayer list.

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